2 Factor Authentication (2FA) FAQs and troubleshooting

What is 2FA?

2FA (also known as 2-factor authorisation or 2-step verification) will protect your account with an extra layer of security by requiring both your password and a 2nd factor such as your mobile phone.

2FA is only mandatory for logins with agent admin access, however general users can also activate 2FA in their login preferences.

With this enabled, if someone manages to obtain your password, it won't be enough to access your account.

At Domain Group we use mobile-phone based two factor authentication. It uses a mobile phone to further confirm your identity when logging in.

You don’t need 2FA for the Domain or CRE app. Only website.

How does 2FA work?

When your new login is created and you login for the first time, you will be asked to enter a password and your mobile number.

You will enter your username (email address) and password. You will be sent a security code via text to your mobile, which you will also enter when logging in.

Why is 2FA Mandatory?

So you don't get hacked! 2FA is only mandatory for logins with Agent Admin access. The online security of our customers and users is extremely important to us at Domain Group, and we're not alone - 2FA is widely used by many websites such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook as well as most online banking websites.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become the international standard to provide an extra level of authentication and security.

Unauthorised access to Agent Admin has a significant impact on agencies and the community.

The number of real estate agents being targeted in email scams is continuously on the rise.

Since 2FA was introduced to Domain Group websites, the number of security incidents has been almost eradicated, keeping agencies and users safe from malicious activity.

How often do I have to enter my security code?

You will be asked to enter a security code every 30 days, or whenever your IP address has changed:
This could occur in the following situations:

  • Using a different browser,
  • Using a different computer or device,
  • When using a VPN
  • After clearing your cache, or opening a private/incognito window.

When entering your verification code, select "Keep my code active for 30 days" so you don't have to enter a 2FA as often  

Can the same mobile number be used for 2 logins?

Yes. Recently we have updated the 2FA system so that the same mobile number can be used with multiple logins.

I'm not receiving a security code

It’s possible that your login has a different phone number linked, or that there is a system error. Poor network service can also prevent or delay you from receiving your code. If you have not received your code within 3 minutes, click the Support icon to contact Domain Group Support for assistance.

My security code is being sent to the wrong number

Perhaps you have started using a new phone number or entered a different phone number when you first setup your login in. You can change or update your phone number by following the steps in this article: Change/update my phone number for 2FA

How can I change/update my nominated phone number?

You can change or update your phone number by following the steps in this article: Change/update my phone number for 2FA

Can I share my login with another agent?

Everyone needs to have their own login. It's safer that way. 2FA supports one person have multiple log-ins, however multiple people having one login doesn't quite work - unless you know for sure that you will always have that phone next to you...

What if our office uses a shared login?

Although 2FA supports one person having multiple accounts, it still requires each person to have their own login credentials. If you do not have an individual account, please email support@commercialrealestate.com.au, cc-ing your principal requesting to set up your own Agent Admin account login.

Please send email from an address at (@) the agencies site domain (ie: not from a gmail, hotmail, outlook, etc). Requests may also be submitted by Domain Group Account Managers or CRMs.

Is 2FA required for logging in to the Commercial Real Estate website as well as Agent Admin?

The same login accounts are used for the Commercial Real Estate website (front end) sign-in as well as Agent Admin (backend) sign-in. When a login has access to Agent Admin it must have 2FA enabled. This means that when you sign into Commercial Real Estate front end you may also need to enter a security code.

I received a security code but was not trying to log in.

This means someone else is trying to access Commercial Real Estate using your credentials. You may consider changing your password and keeping a close eye on your agency’s listings. If in doubt, click the Support icon to contact Domain Group Support for further assistance.

Can I use an international number for 2FA?
For security reasons there are only certain international phone numbers that are supported for 2FA:
Cambodia (+855)
China (+86)
Hong (+852)
India (+91)
Indonesia (+62)
Japan (+81)
Korea (+82)
Pakistan (+92)
Philippines (+63)
Singapore (+65)
Taiwan (+886)
Thailand (+66)
Vietnam (+84)
Belgium (+32)
Canary (+3491)
Denmark (+45)
Finland (+358)
Germany (+49)
Hungary (+36)
Ireland (+353)
Italy (+39)
Netherlands (+31)
Poland (+48)
Romania (+40)
Spain (+34)
Switzerland (+41)
United (+44)
Canary Islands(+3491)
South Africa (+27)
Spain (+34)
Australia (+61)
New Zealand (+64)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Vanuatu (+678)
Canada (+1)
Brazil (+55)

If you have any feedback about this article please let us know in the comments.
If you need further assistance from our Support Team contact us via the Support icon during business hours.

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  • This article doesn't have the ''Can I use an international number for 2FA?'' section like the one in Domain

  • Thanks Vonny. That's been updated.

  • Morning, Can we add to this article how the international agents add the numbers so have examples. Have a Philippines (+63) user asking


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