Why Are Our Agents Duplicating?
Likely cause: Agents details have been updated on your CRM. Contact Domain Group Support via the Support icon for help on this one.
If you notice that you have agents ‘duplicating’ on Domain or Commercial Real Estate, it’s most likely due to a change in the agent's details entered via your CRM.
When you publish a listing via your CRM, if you have an agent assigned to that listing, the agent's contact details will be loaded with the listing details.
When we receive and process the listing our system automatically creates a new profile for that agent in your Agent List.
If we receive a listing and the agent's details are not an exact match, a new profile for that agent is created.
Any further listings with the same contact details will assign the same agent.
Our system is designed so that if we receive a listing and the agent's details are different to what we already have in the Agent List, a new profile will be created for that agent. Even if the details are slightly different.
The reason for this is to allow for when agents need to have different profiles for the same agent.
How do I fix duplicate agents?
We do that for you.
If you find that you have multiple profiles for the same agent, contact Domain Support via the Support icon and we will be able to ‘merge’ the unwanted profiles into the correct profile. All listing will also be synchronised with this agent.
Prevent further duplications
Ensure that no inadvertent changes are made to your agent contact details to prevent further duplications.
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